Emotions are data!

“Aha, so what you mean is that emotions are data!” said the CTO of a fintech startup I was working with, marking a small eureka moment for both of us. For him, it reflected a shift in how he viewed the place and significance of emotions in business collaboration. For me, it became a concise, […]
“I don’t like the word conflict; it sounds so negative.”

I say: “We offer sessions that help people and organisations deal better with conflict.” They say: “We don’t really have conflict. We have a few teams that fight but noongoing conflict.” “I’m concerned that if we run a conflict workshop it will be like opening a can ofworms.” “We have serious problems and people are […]
Mediation as a liberating tool

Most people think of mediation as a peacemaker. Yet there are also other situations in which in main value of mediation is in bringing movement into a situation that is otherwise stuck. I was involved in several such cases. What I noticed was that discontinuing an employment relationship was considered, or even secretly desired, by […]
Pre- Mediation more than a bandaid

What does solving a (potential) conflict bring?
Business matters

Founders are often curious what we talk about in Pre Mediation sessions. What other entrepreneurs bring to the table and how they can learn from that. Let’s give some insight, here a couple of themes that whe addressed in our True Converations. What happens when your co-founder drops you just before an important deadline? How […]
Practical example – How does a pre mediation session look like?

The case: “What it means to be the main co-founder and how this may change when the startup is growing”. A startup with two co-founders, one of whom was the ‘main’ partner, with more equity and being the CEO. The startup was growing fast and they already had about 15 employees. Towards the workers both […]
Cardboard Outcut

Do you recognize the phenomenon that people you know from the past, assume you are still acting in a certain way because they think they know you? In reality you have grown as a person, you have learned from life or changed the way you look at things. You do not fit that old picture, […]
Stay true to you

A Co-Founder or Business relatioship knows it’s ups and downs. You thrive together and sometimes you also feel alone. As if the other doesn’t really get you. When we feel too much pressure we tend to go in survival mode, with our own theme (I am not good enough, I am not seen, I am […]
What our clients say

Annemarie and Roelof of Partner-Mediation have assisted in our mediation process last year. They are very knowledgeable and know how to create an atmosphere where everyone feels safe to share, discuss and initiate ideas/options how to resolve the situation.It was extremely helpful to have two mediators assisting in this often difficult and painful process. This has its effect on the group dynamics. […]
The fundament of your start-up part 2: Level up trust

Building a company with your Co-Founders asks for a good and thorough fundament. In part I we spoke about the cap table and the impact of the cap table on the underlying dynamics between co-founders. Today, in part II we discuss the importance of Trust. You can’t have a healthy relationship without it. At the […]